Monday, December 21, 2009
as of late...
my bed...memory foam + 4 pillows = heaven on earth
gossip girl...seriously addicting. i can't get enough of it!! i love all the characters. the one who is growing on me the most is chuck. he has this sensitive, romantic side that is captivating. ah...
imogen heap...she takes me to another world, one full of peace and calmness. gotta love the blissful escape her music offers.
my's amazing how pretty and feminine i feel with them on. totally classiness. i love the clicky noice they make.
the idea of raw foods...i had SO muchy energy when i was eating like a rabbit. i just gotta find that motivation again...good thing new year's is around the corner
my high heel blue boots ...they remind me of dress up as a child. and who has blue boots? no one i know. you can just call me the trend starter. ;)
pommegranates...easily my favorite fruit, if not my favorite food. mom taught me a new way to peel them. you stick em in a bowl of water and then peel it in the bowl. no red stains. raincoat is not necessary. and it only takes like 4 minutes.
chillin with howard...he is a hoot. he is basically my twin. if i were a boy, i would be him. he likes to eat, make weird faces, play Wii bowling, wrestle, sing, to a t. he is 12 and as tall as me, has bigger hands and feet than me. it is so neat to "see" how i was when i was 12. love it.
cleaning the bathroom...i get great joy out of cleaning the toilet, the sinks, and the mirror. i feel a sense of accomplishment. i love organizing the combs, curling irons, and towels.
playing the piano and talking to papa...i have really been missing papa lately. i want to talk to him about everything that is going on, from mission to his take on med school to family things. i have never performed in front of anyone, except for recitals and piano competitions. i played the piano at papa's funeral. this was a huge deal. i was nervous, but i felt him by me the whole time. now, whenever i play the piano, i know he is there. i get emotional. his presence is almost tangible. so if i need to talk to papa, i go play the piano. he is there and is always willing to listen. he is another testimony that the gospel is true.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
thought of the day
Thursday, December 10, 2009
a.d.d. emotions

Friday, November 13, 2009
learning to juggle

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
my mind at 2:30 am

Friday, October 2, 2009
dear boys...
after many encounters with you, i feel that i need to lay down the law.
first off, when did it ever become ok to text or call me at midnight to come over and "hang out?" we both know that this is code for cuddling and/or kissing and/or ncmos (non-committal make outs). i do not have "easy" stamped on my forehead. call me old-fashioned, but doesn't dating include going out on dates? no, this is not hanging out at your apartment or watching a movie. how hard is it to say, "hey, wanna grab something to eat?" or "wanna go on a walk?" i already have my guy friends that i hang out with and do boy things with (watching sports, etc). so yes, i will decline your invitation to hang out. i deserve to be taken out. no exceptions. if you think this is lame, are you.
second, i am a nerd. i love school and learning and studying. yes, i want to be a doctor or a physician's assistant. therefore, i am busy with school. i will not slack on my school work to hang out with you. i will not act or pretend to be dumb in order to make your ego sky rocket. i like having conversations that have substance (don't sit there and tell me how "amazing" i am so that you can get some). embrace my smartness or leave me alone.
yes, i can be intimidating. i know who i am. i am confident. i smile. i look you in the eye. i have a strong testimony of jesus and the gospel. i love church and going to the temple. i don't waste my time doing stupid things. i do not dirty text. i do not dirty dance. i do not play games. if i want to talk to you, i will. i am not a dud. i am independent. i am not clingy. i do not need to be with you every second of the day. i do spontaneous crazy random things. i enjoy laughing. i laugh a lot. i am happy. i am blunt, usually in a nice way. i am a simple person. i do like to get all dolled up every once in a while. i enjoy being feminine. if you cannot handle who i am, please back off.
like i said, i am a simple girl. i want a good boy to take me out on dates. if i like you, you will know. now seriously, am i asking too much of you?
well now that you know how i do things, man up or be gay.
Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009
what i aspire to be :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Jack's Perfect Ten
this is fantastic, so fantastic that i will post it for you to read!!
"Jack's Perfect Ten"
1. Beauty/Handsome 1.0
2. Figure/Physique 1.0
3. Personality 1.0
4. Empathy 1.0
5. Intellect 1.0
6. Spirituality 1.0
7. Sense of Humor 1.0
8. Maturity 1.0
9. Honesty 1.0
10. Affluence/Ambition 1.0
CHEMISTRY - 2 point bonus
i was SO happy that i found this! i remember one time when papa was out here, he asked me about my love life. ha i was 18 at the time, living in the dorms with boys that either (as they put it) wanted to "fill their canteens before the mish" or read scriptures for a date. eww. gross. i told him that i wasn't interested in any boys, that i had plenty guy friends, but none that i wanted to date. he then told me about the perfect ten. when he was stake president, he would counsel the youth to follow the perfect ten plan. if you found a possible husband and he met 8 of the 10 requirements, you were smooth sailing. he then told me that physicality was big, that you need to be attracted to the boy and likewise, i needed to make sure i always looked my best. papa was big on appearance, always dressed to a tee. i have always remembered this for some reason, always wanting to look my best because you never know who you are going to encounter. some may say that i have been slacking in this area lately (i love sweats and the current trend of the punk bright-colored plaid blouse-shirt things and skinny jeans and weird headbands). but hey, i am comfortable in my own skin. and if i love how i look, then it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks right? ha, mad and i had a discussion on what our styles are. she is definitely preppy flirty. but i cannot be categorized. some days i am punk, some days i am preppy. some days i am grungy. some days i am the all american girl, t-shirt and jeans. i can be flirty or nerdy or collegiate or businessy or country or medical or eighties. it just depends on what side of my personality is dominating in the morning. i like my unique style, as pookie would put it.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
my favorite day of the week
Friday, July 3, 2009
my most recent purchase
so i discovered a new website a few weeks ago: it's a website full of cute things from headbands to jewelry to art that people make and sell! mad got mom a way cute watch for her birthday. so i decided i wanted one too.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
happy news
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
round 2
Sunday, June 28, 2009
my fab five

Thursday, June 4, 2009
my hero
ford factory
his passion
sneaking ice cream and chocolate
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
my 25 random factoids
1. i tend to either skip or drag my feet...mostly my right foot. i kept getting holes in my right shoe. and now i know why.
2. i've run over a variety of animals in my car, never on purpose mind you! i have run over two cats, a bird, and a line of ducks. the duck incidence happened on the freeway...i heard THUD THUD THUD...and then i looked back in my rear view mirror and realized that i was a duck murderer...i cried until i reached my destination.
3.i have sung a solo in church...a remarkable feat for me
4. i plan time to make schedules. if i could do one thing in life, it would be to make schedules for myself and everyone else. my friend nikki asked me to help her plan her life...i was ELATED!
5. sometimes i pee my pants. well...frequently. i like to laugh and laugh hard. so sometimes i accidentally squirt..i mean, it's totally normal....right?
6. i love anything pink and sparkly... even if it is meant for a two-year old. i got pretty pretty princess for my birthday...when i turned 20....and i LOVE the jewelry and wearing that sparkly crown. i believe that i truly am a princess in some small country somewhere. OR as long as my clothes have the word "pink" on them, i am content...which is why i am obsessed with vickie's sweats. so if you are wondering why i am wearing a yellow sweatshirt that says live pink and you think it doesn't make any sense, back off! it does! it is pink and therefore makes perfect sense! pink isn't a color, it's a lifestyle!
7. i eat pommegrantes in my raincoat.
8. i believe that i am at least 25% asian...most likely chinese. chung fei (the gorgeous chinese gymnast) is my other half.
9. i can withstand any kind of peer pressure, unless the pressure is coming from my sisters. they persuade me to do the DUMBEST things eating cake when i am full, or driving by some boy's house and honking, or sending an overly flirtatious text....and other things.
10. i was on the gold medal olympic volleyball team...for special olympics. and yes, the special needs kids were better than me.
11. i can only write with uniball vision pens...either the pink, purple, or teal ones.
12 . i have a weird desire to drive somewhere for 24 hours and see where i end up...tennessee, or louisiana or canada.
13. i am more of a boy than a girl. i feel that my dad raised me to be such (he won't agree with me on this one), for he did not have howard until i was 9. so i play sports, wrestle, yell, eat like there is no tomorrow, and sometimes have an occasional burp. this is also why i prefer to have guy friends...boys eat, watch sports, and thrive on chill drama involved here!
14. i am always reading 4-5 books at once. i love learning.
15. i am a human disposal. if you put food in front of me, i will eat it.
16. i have been told that i am either extremely intimidating or extremely approachable...nothing in between. i think it's the smile that throws people off.
17. i could watch legally blonde over and over and over again. i live by that movie...ask my guy friends. everytime we have movie night, i wanna watch legally blonde. point proven...blondes can be smart and wear pink AND be taken seriously!
18.i have gangsta rhythm in my soul. i can rap with the best of 'em.
19. my freshman year of college, i did a color diet for two weeks where i only ate one color of food each day..monday was red day, tuesday was orange get the picture.
20. i have a crazy obsession with rollercoasters! i have a huge desire to take a month or two off of life and go to every amusement park in America. i went to cedar point with mad five or six years ago. i have never been so happy in my life!
21. i never kissed a boy in high school. college is where kissing came alive for me.
22. i love going on long drives and finding new places and secret roads. you'd be amazed at all the amazing adventures i have been on in provo. yes, provo has its mystery.
23. i go big or go home. i love with all my heart, play until i am exhausted, laugh till i pee, and sing with gusto. i don't believe in middle ground in any aspect of life.
24. when i played softball, the umpire almost threw me out of the game because i would throw the bat. needless to say, i only played for one season. then i was done.
25. i secretly loved my big ole suburban. that monstrous vehicle could transport me and 7 other people...sometimes 8 0r 9...ANYWHERE! it was the party bus..mostly for mad and her sketchy friends.
26. i won't eat knock-off brands. i will pay the extra 85 cents to get the real brand of oatmeal or dishwasher soap or granola bars. it tastes better and the wrapping is much prettier.
27. i am addicted to yoga. i love standing in tree pose (and yes, i have mastered it now) or lying in chabasna pose. i become centered and i feel closer to God. yoga is a spiritual practice, stretching your soul and lifting your heart.
28. i should have been a teenager in the 80's. i love bright colored spandex, funky high heels, colorful headbands, and anything that shimmers in the light. i love crimping my hair and listening to cyndi lauper. and i am not afraid to bring this style back. people should embrace the color movement!
more to come...i am sure :)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
music = L.O.V.E.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
why i wish i was 7

recently, i have been able to admit that i am a homebody. sometimes i wish i could go back 10 years and live the simpler life of monkey bars, naps, and chalk. things i love about home:
- i love to lie on dad's side of the bed and pretend to do homework, but really, i am watching NCIS with mom
- the food at home always tastes so much better than mine
- i love all the chaos that comes along with my family....always noise (yes, i stir the pot and sometimes create tension...not so good)
- when there is never a dull moment
- when dad ends an argument with "amanda, i love you. i just want you to be happy."
- when dad decides it time for prayer and then someone says something funny and it all spirals down hill . . . 30 minutes later he says "can we pray?"
- playing wii with howard
- taking wacky pictures on my computer with dad. hearing him ROAR with laughter makes my soul happ
Monday, February 23, 2009
uplifting people...helping me become my best self
I was so excited that I watched it twice! Then I sent it to my mom and Dallas, two of my favorite people that would appreciate this uplifting message. Then when Mad was trying to get the printer to work, I showed her. She was a little hesistant at first, seeing as it is almost 7 minutes long, but she really liked it!
I truly cherish the talks I have with Dal. We can go from talking about 24 to something spiritual. He always has some incredible insight to give me, especially with mission advice. Recently, we have been talking about my possible mission and how I feel about it. He always says that he will support me in whatever I do, that he wants me to be happy. He is always encouraging me to be the best person I can be, one of the many things I love about him...
So, I was talking to Dal last night about life and missions and futures. He asked me if I was going on a mission. I told him that I didn't know. He asked me what was holding me back. I had to think about this...and really, there isn't anything holding me back. I'll be done with school, my family and friends support really, nothing is holding me back. Dal told me that I would make a great missionary. I told him I was so scared to go, that I don't know what I would say if someone started to interrogate me about the church. I have a strong yet simple testimony. I know that there is a Heavenly Father who loves me, that Jesus is my Savior, that He is truly the only one who knows EXACTLY how I am feeling, that the Atonement is here so that we can utilize it and return to live with Heavenly Father again. I know that Joseph Smith restored the gospel and saw Heavenly Father and Jesus. I know that prayer is real, that God always answers prayers, that the scriptures are here to help us grow closer to Jesus and to help us learn from other's mistakes. I know that there is a prophet on the earth today, President Monson, who leads and guides the church under the influence of the Holy Ghost. I know that we can repent of our sins and be clean again, that we just have to let go of pride and ask Heavenly Father to make our weaknesses become strong. This is what I know to be true. And I want to share what I know, why I am the happy person that I am, with those who don't know the truth, who are looking for a deeper meaning and purpose in life.
I love all the people I work with. I asked the amazing girls that went on missions why they chose to go. Shandy told me that I would never regret going on a mission, but that I would regret not going. This hit home because it is true... why would I regret serving the Lord and bringing the truth to those who don't have it?
There are so many reasons TO go and few if none to not go.....
Friday, February 20, 2009
life comes at you fast

Friday, January 23, 2009
little joys today

- waking up excited that it is FRIDAY!!
- wearing my rainboots because it is wet outside and being able to blaze through those puddles
- trying out new curly shampoo and mousse that Madelaine introduced me to..i woke up to a curly mane!
- exchanging looks with Ted in Neurobiology when people make bizarre comments
- getting a text from someone I love.... ;)
- being thanked for opening a door
- talking with friends at work about dating
- realizing that i have a SUPER fun date tonight...every time i think about it, i get those jittery feelings in my stomach ;) only 2 more hours!
- talking to mom on the phone
- getting a voicemail from Dean... i love to be greeted as "Shemanda!"
- hearing a happy song on Pandora
- glancing in the mirror and seeing that my head is as bright as a lightbulb...i love blonde hair
- getting a compliment on my shoes
- jumping into bed and realizing that it is still warm from sleeping in it
- understanding a difficult concept in Chemistry
- seeing that Pookie sent me 25 texts saying "Stop whining ya big boob" ha ha i laugh out loud every time
- finding time to read scriptures in the middle of the day
- little moments of peace